Whether you are a returning volunteer, or brand new to the Key West Food & Wine Festival, we welcome you and thank you for volunteering your time. This handbook was created to provide new and veteran volunteers a copy of our policies and procedures. Please review the information in this guide carefully, as it also provides all the necessary information about your volunteer shifts.
The Festival thanks you for your hard work, commitment, and enthusiasm.
Please stop by our welcome center to gain your credentials, or to revalidate existing credentials.
Our "Welcome Center" is located at 1075 Duval Street.
Hosted by Ocean SIR
Thanks so much and we look forward to seeing you during the festival events.
Send us an EMAIL
If you are running late for your shift or need to cancel, please notify the Volunteer Coordinator, as soon as possible.
The Event Coordinators are depending on you to arrive on time and stay the duration of your shift.
We want you, our volunteers, to enjoy the attendees and the food/wine at the end of your shift at the Festival. We trust that you will mingle and talk with all event guests, not just your personal acquaintances.
If the Event Coordinators, Festival Directors, or the Volunteer Coordinator feels that you are behaving inappropriately or drinking to much you may be asked to leave your shift.
Again, thank you for volunteering for the KWFWF 2019. We hope that you meet new people, enjoy fabulous food and wine, and have FUN!
Volunteers are public representatives of the Key West Food & Wine Festival. The vast majority of our festival attendees will have direct interactions with volunteers. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you conduct yourself appropriately at all events.
Regardless of your seniority as a volunteer with the KWFWF, you are expected to:
In return, you can expect the KWFWF directors, planners, and staff to:
Volunteers are valued and play an essential role in producing the Key West Food & Wine Festival. To reward you for your efforts, volunteers are required to work 2 events for 3 hours each. Once your request has been approved you will be invited to one of our other events during the festival as a guest.
Please remember that you are an invited guest, please allow paying guests to enter the event first. Thank you.
If you have questions, concerns, or feedback before, during or after your volunteer shift, please contact us at 800.474.4319 via text or
All Sales Final/ No Refunds, No exchanges, No replacements:
All events, prices, personalities, performances, venues, dates and times are subject to change without notice. All sales are final.
This ticket will not be replaced, refunded or exchanged for any reason whatsoever.
Event insurance is now available during ticket purchase with Protecht.
The Festival is in no way representing or promoting any political ideology.
We are celebrating Food and Wine.
The Festival urges all adults to consume alcoholic products responsibly.
The ticket charges will appear on your credit card statement as Dolce Events.
Website Design by Dolce Events & Marketing
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